This section of our site is dedicated to all things legal. To make it easy to find the legal document you’re looking for, we’ve compiled the list of our legal documents and provided you with a quick rundown below of what you’ll find in each one.  These documents are applicable to all customers and they apply to each of our offerings (with some modifications). Please examine these documents carefully to fully understand the specific legal terms that may apply to the type of service you will receive from Obviyo (formerly HiConversion).


Terms of Service

This agreement applies to your Obviyo SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) subscription, if you have one. This is a key legal document and we recommend you spend some time reviewing the terms and conditions of how we license our software technology to you.

View Terms Of Service >

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The following policy defines the levels of service we are committed to deliver. If we do not live up to our promises, you will be eligible to get a service credit.

View Service Level Agreement >

Acceptable use policy

If you use any of our products, services, or apps, this is the definitive rulebook that lays out what’s okay to do with them and what’s not.

View Acceptable use >

Privacy policy

In the online world, privacy is a universal concern. If you have ever filled out a form on our site, signed up for a trial or subscribed to our blog, you will be aware we have at least a little bit of data on hand about you. And if you are a Obviyo (formerly HiConversion) customer, you know we are collecting your customer’s data. Our Privacy Policy talks about what we do with all third party data. But even more importantly, it talks about what we won’t.

View Privacy policy >.


Privacy policy

In the online world, privacy is a universal concern. If you have ever filled out a form on our site, signed up for a trial or subscribed to our blog, you will be aware we have at least a little bit of data on hand about you. And if you are a Obviyo customer, you know we are collecting your customer’s data. Our Privacy Policy talks about what we do with all third party data. But even more importantly, it talks about what we won’t.

View Privacy policy >.

Terms of Use

If you use our websites ( or, which is in fact the site you’re reading this on right now), then this document is for you. Among other things, it talks about what constitutes a legitimate use of our website.

View Terms of use >

Partner Program

Obviyo (formerly HiConversion) Partner Program Agreement

This one is for our valued agency partners that participates in our Partner Program. These terms apply to your participation in our Partner Program and contain important stuff, like eligibility criteria for revenue shares.

View Partner Program Agreement >